The nodes (Rahu and Ketu) are two points in space calculated by the positions of the Sun and Moon in relation to Earth. These Nodes mark the points where the paths of the Sun and Moon intersect. In Vedic astrology, the Nodes are classed as Shadowy planets. The Nodes are an important part of both the Vedic and Western birth charts.
The North Node(Rahu) represents the devouring head of an Asura dragon, who was beheaded by Vishnu, causing a huge appetite for the house (life area) that it transits. The South Node (Ketu), symbolized by the dragon’s tail, creates a release within the opposite house.
Rahu is an area that we feel extremely attracted to. The qualities of the sign and house where Rahu sits within the birth chart have an almost magnetic power over us. Rahu is the area of life that we put the most focus on and it is mostly concerned with material and earthly matters which can become a point of obsession. Rahu is said to have the nature of Mars.
Ketu is a life area that we have become comfortable with in past lives. As Ketu is the dragon’s severed body, it is said to follow the path of enlightenment to make spiritual progress. Ketu takes away what Rahu gives. An obsession with Rahu qualities can lead to a difficult “lesson” from Ketu!
The Nodes have an 18 year cycle and are always exactly opposite each other on the chart. An eclipse occurs when the Sun or Moon is near one of these points. This is reflected within the mythology of the Sun being swallowed by the dragon which is similar to the story of the Sun Goddess Sol being devoured by the wolf Skoll in Nordic mythology.
The Nodes are almost always retrograde and spend about 1.5 years in one sign.
Both of the Nodes are said to be malefic in nature, meaning that they can cause difficulties. I have noticed that most people swing between Rahu and Ketu throughout the course of their lives and become very focused on Rahu after the age of 36.
A common misconception on Ketu is that we should give it up entirely and avoid its qualities and themes. This is like learning how to play the piano and then abandoning the practice once Mozart’s piano sonata no 16 is mastered! As with everything in life, we should try to strike some kind of balance between the familiar and comfortable area (ketu) and the unknown, uncharted territory (Rahu). To use myself as an example, in my birth chart, Ketu is in the 9th house in Aquarius and travelling is one of my biggest passions in life. My Viking blood is strong and I’ve often said that if financially able to, I would spend the rest of my life travelling. It does not make sense to deny myself such a pleasure but instead I try to stay balanced and become more involved with my neighbourhood and community. If we place Rahu and Ketu together, they become something whole, instead of fighting for dominance.
Rahu entered Pisces (and Ketu entered Virgo) on January 11th 2025 (using the true Node, or true calculation) and will transit through this sign until July 2026. The last time that Rahu transited Pisces was in 2007 -what was happening in your life around that time? You may experience similar themes between now and 2006.
Rahu is directing the world towards the themes of Pisces which include surrender, emotions, empathy, fantasy, addictions, martyrdom, faith, God, fanaticism, compassion, lack of boundaries and borders, creativity, religions, faith, fertility. The themes of Virgo, which we are moving away from include, over-thinking, anxiety, discernment, critical thinking, perfectionism, practicality, rigidity, purity, logic, barrenness. The key here is to find a balance between the two signs.
I am going to start with the negative themes of the transit and then discuss the positives. Astrology reflects real life and life is always a mix of good and bad. Any astrologer that only writes about positive themes is either grossly incompetent or an outright charlatan. I pride myself on not being a unicorn astrologer and staying true to the original astrological practices.
The propaganda machine is strong this year and it will be difficult to separate the truth from fiction. A good way to handle this is to accept that we will never know the real truth about many issues, past and present, and instead of driving ourselves mad with anxiety (Virgo) and frying our nervous systems, surrender (Pisces) to the unknown and focus on our personal lives instead of TV and truther Youtube videos. Yes, it’s good to know what is going on in the world and to try to make sense of history, but not to the point where mental and physical health is affected.
Subversion is a Piscean theme and Rahu here can make us more vulnerable to falling for false messiahs and being fooled by fantastic tales which have the purpose of making us complacent, similar to the Q anon movement which told its followers to “trust the plan”. One example of this is the rumour that kali-yuga is ending in 2025 because someone decided that, after thousands of years, the texts describing kali-Yuga have been translated incorrectly. Does it look like the kali-yuga is ending? The esoteric secret of the kali-yuga is that it will not end until it is defeated inside ourselves, first. Besides anything else, the texts clearly say that blood will run like rivers down the streets at the end of the kali yuga and barely anyone will survive. Kali Yuga has barely got started yet.
When we look at the history of pandemics and plagues we can see a pattern with the Nodes being in mutable signs (Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius) around those times. This was the case in 2020 to 2022 when Rahu was transiting Gemini and Ketu in Sagittarius. I would like to add at this point that astrology reflects the events on earth and is not the cause of anything. The astrologer Olivia Solner
Sun Moon Self , who is my former astrology student, thought that we might have another pandemic in 2025 when we were looking at charts together during her lessons a few years ago, and she was absolutely correct as we currently have a cancer pandemic. It is unlikely (although not impossible) that the extreme events of 2020 are repeated as Saturn (planet of restrictions and authority) is no longer in a sign where he has domicile status (Capricorn and Aquarius) but it is still possible that bird, swine, or some other “flu” will be a concern.
I find it difficult to be concerned about bird flu when Cancer rates have exploded over the past few years and will continue to do so while Rahu is in Pisces. I am not talking about this subject to be sensationalist or to cause fear and anyone paying attention will have noticed this anyway. The real pandemic that we are currently dealing with is cancer.
Using medical astrology, cancer is a Yin or moist condition and these qualities are present in the sign of Pisces. Rahu in Pisces can make these qualities dominant and out of control. The antidotes to an excess of Yin are yang foods, sunlight, and yang activities and many people can benefit from increasing yang when we look at the falling testosterone levels and out of control emotions that large amounts of people are suffering from. Many people are using “alternative” methods for cancer, such as fenbendazole, as they have completely lost faith in the healthcare system.
Pisces is connected to the spirit world and Rahu here opens the doors between our physical reality and the other worlds which is both good and bad at the same time. Spirit activity will increase throughout the transit and paranormal experiences will become more common. This is when it becomes vital to be on a good, solid, ancestral based spiritual path as new age mumbo jumbo will make the matter worse as it offers no protection whatsoever. We are living through the Kali Yuga which is when hoards of demons are able to easily come into our plane, so keep that in mind before participating in new age practices that invite these entities in. The good side of this increased connection with the spirit world will be experienced by those of us who are firmly on our ancestral paths and we will feel like the Gods and ancestors are closer to us than ever.
On March 14th, we have a difficult eclipse in Virgo which is opposite Saturn and this seems to trigger some events in April - Rahu conjuncts Saturn on April 21st, followed by Venus on the 23rd and finally on the 26th, Mars opposes Pluto and this is likely to be one of the most difficult and volatile parts of 2025.
The Saturn Rahu conjunction in particular has historically been connected with difficult events such as those of 1968 when Martin Luther King was assassinated which led to multiple riots throughout the USA. Events similar to 1968 are possible in April 2025. President Trump’s astrology is particularly difficult in March, is there a connection between the President and the events of April?
Native Europeans have reached their limit with rape gangs, little girls being decapitated with swords, shootings, bombings and other atrocities committed against them while being swept under the carpet by their Governments and gaslighting from the media. Will the situation reach a boiling point in the spring?
The sign of Pisces is associated with the Abrahamic religions and the events in Israel and Palestine continue to rage on with the world’s focus on the Biblical areas of the world while our own European governments betray us.
Some other possibilities with the Saturn Rahu conjunction are extreme weather conditions and earth changes like earthquakes, floods and storms. Military action, war, and invasions of troops into other countries are highly likely and this is connected with the ingress of Saturn into Aries on May 24th. Aries is the sign of war.
Now, after all of that, let us speak about some good qualities of this transit and how we can make the most of it. Please remember that wars and conflict have been a part of our planet since the beginning of time and we are the proof that our ancestors got through it.
Jupiter is the traditional and only ruler of Pisces and for the past year, many people have been complaining of bad luck and misfortune. This is because Jupiter has been in Gemini where the planet has a detriment status in the essential dignities. This means that Jupiter hasn’t been delivering the good fortunes and optimism that the planet is normally connected with. Even worse, Saturn has been in a difficult square aspect with Jupiter, causing further limitations and restrictions and many plane crashes have occurred under this stress to Jupiter in an air sign.
Jupiter will enter Cancer, the sign of its exaltation, on June 9th and for many people a flow of better fortune will return. Scattered and unfinished projects are more likely to come to fruition and goals will manifest. It is important to observe Jupiter during Rahu in Pisces as it is the dispositor of the placement. Emotional wellbeing, Family connections, and home life will prosper and (with personal effort and under certain circumstances) fertility can be improved. Cancer is connected with one’s homeland, children, family and ancestry and lots of people will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of roots. Jupiter will still be in square aspect with Saturn, however Saturn will no longer be in a sign that is ruled by Jupiter which will take some pressure and restrictions off over the summer months.
Rahu in Pisces promotes spirituality, retreat, mysticism and the divine. We’ll experience a strong desire to achieve some kind of enlightenment and a pull to explore other realms making this transit an ideal time to start or strengthen a spiritual practice. I advise every person to stay within their own ancestral practices because these paths offer protection. So instead of flying to south America and paying money to take an hallucinogenic plant that your ancestors wouldn’t have heard of, explore your own heritage as you will find it just as rich and immensely more beneficial. Pisces is about travelling to the other worlds and piercing the veil and you can do that without having to buy a plane ticket. Beware of false, spiritual gurus as it will be easier to be fooled by them while Rahu is in Pisces.
We may need more sleep and rest than usual and it might be a little more difficult to get up in the morning and stick to routines. It is advised to go to bed a bit earlier and allow ourselves to get more sleep. When the outside world is hectic and stressful our bodies need more time to recover. We should try not to be so hard on ourselves. Physical exercise is of course a vital part of life and necessary for health but punishing work out routines are not what we need right now.
Our dreams will be colourful and vivid and it is possible to get important messages and answers to our problems while in the dream state. Ancient people paid attention to their dreams and it is written in some ancient texts that important figures made political decisions based on (dreams). Modern humans tend to dismiss dreams or use psychology to interpret them. It is a great idea to write dreams down in a journal so you can examine them and then connect them to events that might happen later.
Writers, artists, and musicians will find their creative juices flowing more easily and any creative blocks will dissolve. These activities will benefit everyone and provide a balm for the soul and healthy escape from the outside world.
Rahu in Pisces will pass over some exceptionally lucky stars in February 2026 and it is wise to take advantage of this period by using prosperity rituals and stellar magic. I will speak about the exact dates closer to the time and throw out some ideas on how best to utilise this energy. Subscribe to my free, daily astrology clips on Telegram to stay updated and to my podcast, “The Moss wife’s brew” for my paid subscribers on Substack.
The stars are located in the mid to early degrees of tropical Pisces and include the star Sadachbia which is also known as “the lucky star of hidden things.” When Venus in Pisces transited over this star recently, I noticed that a lot of people received unexpected gifts and amazing opportunities. The energy is going to be even more potent as Rahu transits over this star so you don’t want to miss it.
Finally, check your rising sign below to find out the life area that Rahu in Pisces will be transiting through. If you don’t know your rising sign you can calculate it on but you must know your exact time of birth, an approximate time is not enough. You can read your Sun sign if you don’t know your time of birth. The south node is the life area that we are releasing or moving away from. This does not have to be a huge deal, it could simply mean that you are devoting less time to hose things.
This is a general reading only. For a birth chart reading that includes fixed stars and forecasting, book a reading from my store.
Pisces: 1st house. You. Big life changes that cause significant transformation and growth. Your physical body. Releasing: 7th house. Relationships, marriage, business partnerships, enemies you know about.
Aries: 12th house. This is the house of ancestral memories, dreams, secret enemies, hidden habits and character traits, Gods and Goddesses and other spirits. Releasing: Routines, disease, tight schedules.
Taurus: 11th house. Friends, groups, organisations and your hopes for the future. Releasing: 5th house. Children, recreational activities, romances.
Gemini: 10th house. Career, job, reputation, your legacy. Releasing: 4th house. Home, Family, ancestors, gestation period of pregnancy. The past.
Cancer: 9th house. Foreign lands, travel, higher education, beliefs. Releasing: 3rd house. Siblings, neighbours and neighbourhood. Your vehicle. Communication and writing.
Leo: 8th house. Partner’s finances, sorrows, money from trading, debts, sex, intimacy, the occult. Releasing: Your personal finances, wealth and possessions. Your honour code.
Virgo: 7th house. Marriage and long term partnerships. Enemies that you know about. Clients. Releasing: Your identity as an individual and going through life alone.
Libra: 6th house. Health, routines, pets, disease, work schedules. Releasing: secret enemies, hidden habits and character traits that work against you. Hospitals and prisons.
Scorpio: 5th house. Romance and joy within relationships. Children. Creation. The joy of life. Releasing: Friends, groups, and organisations. Social media.
Sagittarius: 4th house. Home, Family, ancestors, your physical property. Past issues. Releasing: Career, job, reputation.
Capricorn: 3rd house. Siblings, neighbours and neighbourhood. Your vehicle. Communication and writing. Releasing: Foreign lands, travel, higher education, beliefs.
Aquarius: 2nd house. Your personal finances, wealth and possessions. Your honour code. Releasing: Partner’s finances, sorrows, money from trading, debts, sex, intimacy, the occult.